Frequently Ask Questions

How does one pay for the trip?

Make check payable to the order of Servants Travel Mail to Servants Travel P O Box 6482 Evansville, IN 47719
Can someone bring a cooler on the coach?

Please keep to drinks with screw on lids. Large coolers are prohibited on any charter. Personal 6-pack coolers only, that can fit in the foot area of seats are allowed in the seating area, large coolers must be stored in lower luggage bays.

Is Alcohol allow on the bus?

Alcohol is not permitted on the bus if minors are present in a group. And makes a big mes.

Is smoking allow on the bus?

Smoking/vaping is not permitted inside any motor coach.

Can dairy products be on the motor coach?

Dairy products of any kind are not allowed on any motor coach. Will incur clean-up fee.

What kind of container can be on the motor coach?

Glass containers and bottles are always strictly prohibited on any motor coach.

Can you mover around the motor coach?

No standees permitted forward of first seat or in aisle, unless going to and from restroom only.

Can I help loading baggage?

Driver is the only authorized person to operate bus doors and controls; passengers should ask driver for assistance.

How many hours can a driver drive a day?

Our drivers can only be on duty 15 hours per day to include a maximum of 10 hours driving.

Is there a way to charger a phone on the motor coach?

110 Volt outlets are for cell phones, laptops, and other small volt devices ONLY, no high voltage devices allowed.

Is there a clean up charge?

A $150.00 charge will be added to any trip that has food or beverages on the bus. If the bus requires no extra cleaning after the trip fee may be refunded.

What does RSVN & PYMT Deadline mean?

RSVN Reservations

PYMT Payment Deadline

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