Individual Signup Process

To start the sign-up process

You need to e-mail us at to make a reservation for each trip. You would like to reserve a seat.

You will need to tell us the trip name and date of the trip You would like to take.

Include your first and last name, phone number, e-mail address, as well how many people You are paying for.

Any other person reservations You are paying for include their first, last name and email address for each person with each check sent.

This information is for the manifest so we can make sure we have everyone at loading times. Some venues require us to have this information in case of an emergency.

Servants Travel will send a personalize email invoice reflecting the total amount for your reservations payable to: Servants Travel P. O. Box 6482 Evansville, IN 47719

Servants Travel will assign an ID# for each person so we may correctly credit each person for their payment.

Then after You receive the invoice, you will need to print and remove the bottom of the invoice and mail it to Servants Travel with your check for the invoice.

After Servants Travel receives your bottom of the invoice and check for amount of your reservations by the deadline for each trip.  Servants Travel will email an itinerary of each trip when it can be finalized.

You will receive an email from Servants Travel acknowledging receipt of your check.  

No checks will be deposited until Servants Travel receives the minimum number of paid reservations for each trip.

For you to receive your check back in cases of cancellation of trip due to not meeting minimum number of reservation requirements.  You must send a self-address stamped envelope with your check. Otherwise, your check will be shredded through a secure paper shredder.

In most cases each trip will require a minimum of 45 people for it to go.

In some cases, minimum required reservations will change based on the size of bus that is available. Always be mindful of the deadline for each trip.   


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